Cisco GSX - The Internet of Everything Dashboard

Cisco wanted to inform their sales staff about their IoT (Internet of Things) strategy the "Internet of Everything". To present this idea we provided a stylized virtual Las Vegas, the same city where the GSX sales conference was taking place. On this virtual city wall we fed in various IoT data from the conference infrastructure. We fed in WiFi-based location information data, live video feeds from the conference security camera system, and vehicle information and video feeds from several conference shuttle buses. We also simulated a number of feeds from various IoT data sources that could be carried on and originate from Cisco technologies.

The wall was a huge hit at the conference attracting crowds whenever the educational area was open.

The display system was built primarily with TouchDesigner and ran on a single CPU with a high-end multi-output GPU. The content was displayed on an 8x4 array of Christie MicroTiles with a Christie Multi-touch Kit for touch input. Data from the various IoT systems were routed in via a PHP based server. The various video feeds from the Cisco security camera system were consumed via an OpenFrameworks application using ofGStreamer. The OpenFrameworks application then sent the video frames to TouchDesigner via a texture sharing system called Spout.

Technologies Involved: Touchdesigner, openFrameworks, Spout, PHP

Involved Parties:
Client - Cisco
Animation and modeling - Oddfellows

Developed while employed at JUXT

© Isaac Gierard 2022